About Us

Who are we?

The Mid-Atlantic Marine Education Association is an organization of people whose common goal is to improve education about all aspects of marine and aquatic environments. Our members include individuals whose work and interests encompass:

  • Classroom/formal education (primary, secondary and college-level)

  • Informal education at museums, aquariums, zoos, science centers and research facilities

  • Basic and applied scientific research on marine and aquatic topics

  • Business related to education, science and aquatic environments

  • Government agencies - local, state and federal - with responsibilities in education, environment and science issues

MAMEA members come from Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, the District of Columbia, and beyond. We represent many institutions, organizations and programs. MAMEA is a regional chapter of the National Marine Educators Association (NMEA).

Mailing Address:

c/o Jackie Takacs
25019 Harrington Road
Greensboro, MD 21639