Email List

Both MAMEA member and non-member educators are invited to join the MAMEA e-mail discussion list. Its purpose is to facilitate sharing of marine education questions and answers, new resources or opportunities within the Mid-Atlantic region. Anyone on the list may send or receive emails. This is like NMEA's Scuttlebutt listserve, but focused on a Mid-Atlantic regional level. You can join or remove yourself at any time by completing the following forms.

MAMEA encourages messages related to marine education of professional interest to many marine educators in the Mid-Atlantic region. Petitions, political commentary or advocacy, resumes or job requests, surveys, requests for donations or votes, crowdsourcing, cross postings and commercial messages are not accepted. Please restrict attachments to a total size of 1 MB or less.


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Posting Messages

To post an email message to the list, address it to:

Your message will go to all subscribers.